Catching up
You might have noticed that I missed a few days of posting. Well, I painted several little still life pieces during the last few days, using a new substrate/support and they were/are not as good as I wanted them to be. I went back into most of them and made them slightly better, but only slightly.
The new surface isprimed smooth slick and the paint just slides around on it unless you have under-painted it. Who knew that there would be such a steep learning curve in my future! Ha!. I always think that I have read enough to be ready to go. Haha! So I am going to show you the pieces but I hope that the next ones will be better. Hang on; there are several.
The new surface is
You can see how much the brush marks show without the texture of the canvas I was using. I don't mind the brush marks but if you stroke over already applied paint it is likely that more paint will come up than go down!
I have several more things to try in the next couple of months as I work toward developing my own style and technique. Stay tuned!
All is well and all will be well,