Warning! Stock Up!

Stock up on Shampoo that is. I left mine in the shower at younger daughter's house the Saturday after Christmas. Sunday morning I washed it with my Claendula soap of which I had a tiny sliver remaining. Then older daughter and the kids came and we went to the store and I forgot shampoo. This time I washed it with baking soda. No suds, but it was clean. More trips here and there and - no shampoo! What is wrong with me?? This time I washed it with Castile bar soap. Not so good. It was okay for Sunday if a little stiff but this morning?
This morning I really earned this cup (made by sister's daughter-in-law) that hubby made my coffee in. 

Yikes! Fortunately my sister had given me a little shampoo she had left after changing to another and I now look more or less human and hubby has gone to run some errands and I asked him to get some shampoo while he was out. 

Despite the scary pic, all is well, 


Vicki Styons said…
You were a brave woman to post that pic! Then again I have styled my hair to look very similar!

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