Glasses and eyes
Since I started wearing reading glasses I have discovered that there are never too many pairs. However, it helps to have them in many places, not all on the top of the dresser. There is usually one pair on top of my head, though, so I can find it when I need it.
Vicki got new glasses and has given me several pair that she had. The red ones and a zebra striped pair that I left at my daughter's house in SC but will retrieve. They had gotten kicked under the bed somehow.
RyeCrisp topped by peanut butter and strawberries. Nice lunch.
I told you that I took a photo of my eye because I planned to draw it. It is strange, but when you look at things when you have posted them you can see all your mistakes. For one thing, my eyebrows are much thicker than that (and need plucking, I think). This was drawn during the day at the library in good light on grey toned paper. The colors are just a tiny bit off here, but not enough to make much difference.
For the right eye the picture was taken at a different place and I didn't have the advantage of someone with a good eye (Vicki) to critique it as I went. I am horrible at critiquing. I am the one who buys the things with loose buttons or flaws in the fabric, etc. However, the drawing is not too bad. As you can tell, mascara is my friend and I never leave home without it but this pic was taken at home at the end of a long day. I drew it right after I took it and the day hadn't gotten any shorter.
Today it is rainy and grey here and I am having to fight to keep from grabbing a book and a blanket and settling down for a good read instead of doing the laundry etc.
All is well,