Another quick trip - with leaves

Yesterday we made another quick trip to Cashiers to haul out some more stuff. Tomorrow Vicki and I are going to try to get things together a little bit. Flying up the highway in the truck, pulling our box trailer, I didn't have time to take photographs of the beautiful leaves. They changed quite a bit from last Saturday and were at what might be their loveliest for this year. I did take these right in own yard, though.
These are Tardiva hydrangeas. Fall bloomers, their blooms are somewhat cone-shaped. They bloom white and then turn this lovely color. The ones at the house have grown to huge proportions and are covered with blooms. 

This is a form of Japanese maple. I can't think of its name right now and I can't get to my book to look it up, but in the fall it turns red, yellow, orange or maroon or sometimes all three. As you can see, it still has some green on it and I think the contrast make the colors just that much more striking. 

The butterfly bush,(Buddleia davidsonia) must have been covered with blooms earlier in the summer but this little holdout is all that is left. The whole thing needs to be dead-headed but I think that I will just cut it back since it, too, has grown quite large. 

Can you tell that we took anything out of the garage? Most of what we hauled was in a storage space upstairs under the eaves. Boxes of books (Dean's this time, most of them) boxes of papers, boxes of dishes, boxes of... you name it and there seemed to be a box of it. 

Right now Dean and I are off to Chattanooga to look at the soapstone slabs that have come in for our countertops. The ones that were already here had a crack across the middle and we needed a large slab for the island. I am very excited about seeing these. 

All is well 


Vicki Styons said…
Very nice fall photographs! I should be out with my camera learning to use it while the leaves are so beautiful.
Vicki Styons said…
Very nice fall photographs! I should be out with my camera learning to use it while the leaves are so beautiful.

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