
Showing posts from August, 2019

When there is no map

When you begin to go some place and you have no idea of how to get there or where it is and there is no GPS. Sound scary? That is painting!! I began a new painting in a different mode, where there is nothing to follow, no rules to lean on, and nothing to say "you have arrived at your destination". Of course that is always what it is like in many ways, but this was really a leap into the void for me. I used oil paint and cold wax medium, which I have used before on other paintings, I started by covering the paper on the wall with colors - mostly reds but with some others, I did some scraping, some more layering, some thinking and then some more of all of the previous steps, more thinking, more thinking, a stroke here or there, etc. I think that I have arrived at my destination, but who knows. When I look at it, though, it feels complete. So here t is: I have also finished the 3'x5' piece that I have been fiddling with for so long. I did some work in the top right a...

My Pity Party

Ok, so it turns out that when you can't get to sleep, getting up and writing a blogpost is not the best idea. I apologize and I will try to do better in the future. I am waiting to hear from the bank about what I will need to become the person on the checking account and then I am going to the studio to try to get some work done before it is time to leave for the meeting. I love the night time, but some things are better done during the day and blog-writing seems to be one of them. Best to all, and sleep well tonight!


When will it end? All this killing, this greed, this name-calling and shaming and denigrating. I am sick every day when I look at the news. At the same time, I can't seem to stop looking. It is making me depressed and making it hard to function. I had cut back on my serotonin re-uptake inhibitor(Lexapro) but have had to go back to the full dose. More information than you really wanted. Sorry, but it is what is on my spinning mind. There were few days in the studio this week, although there was an exhibition opening that included one small and one large work that was well-attended. One of my sister's pieces was the first sale and there were two others, not mine, but there is always a chance. Tomorrow night is the Civic Arts League meeting and there is a better than even chance that I will be elected treasurer. Well, actually it is all but certain as there seems to be no other candidate. It won't be a hard job and I like the other officers. some of the meetings, however, ...