
Showing posts from June, 2017


The internet here is very slow. Very. It has made me realize how fast ours is and how impatient I am with a few minutes (seconds?) delay! So here is a painting of some shell fragments from the bay. I think that they have a certain beauty - maybe because I identify with old these days! I have to stop painting because I have no good way to bring home wet paintings and they dry very slowly in this humidity. So, until I get back home, take care! All is well, XOXOXO, Caroline

Just a quick update

Here is last night's sunset from the causeway as photographed by Sara and today's waves photographed by me. This might not look rough to many of you, but the water at Sanibel is most often more like a big bath tub. Surfers will dismiss this, but it was really windy for a while around noon. I am not getting much painting done but I have touched up a few older things, done a little shopping and enjoyed the family, so all is well. XOXOXO, Caroline

The Piney Woods

This painting of the pines was also done from one of Mary's photos. Dean thinks that I should include it in the submissions to the Creative arts Guild.Painting it reminded me of summers when we waled under the pines and that hot smell of pine pitch and crushed needles. Pine needles can be very slippery on a slope and can be a little sticky and prickly. We don't have so many pines here in town and I miss them a little. We have mostly maples and across the street a big poplar that shed twigs and blooms in our yard. Trees are such marvelous things and they are cut down every day with very little thought given to what they do for us and how much we need them. Sermon over. Go hug a tree today! All will be well, XOXOXO, Caroline

And at High Tide

These last two are from Mary's photos again, this time at high tide. I am going to submit six paintings to the show that I have entered the last two years and can't decide whether to do the four of the marsh plus two not yet painted or the lettuce onion, etc. I have four of those and could add two more there - maybe asparagus or fruit or some such. Any suggestions as to which ones to submit? The paintings which are selected for the exhibit will be available for sale. I also have to price them; they need to be affordable but not "cheap" which might indicate that they are not worth much to me or anyone else. Any suggestions will be welcome and carefully considered. All is well and all will be well, XOXOXO, Caroline