A little this, a little that

Let me say that dinner was cooked in the new kitchen but not without a few consequences. The old disposer decided it had given us its all and quit, interrupting dish washing for quite a while. Dean did a temporary repair but that failed after a while and water leaked out all over the floor. But today the new machine was delivered and is being or is now installed. Wonderful. Do you think this quilt needs repair? It wasn't really sturdy enough for the dogs to jump up on it for years and has given way is several places. I have plans for a new one, but then again I have plans for many things. Can't decided whether to go ahead with new or do some patching on the patchwork. I am trending towards the latter in my thoughts. It would be handwork during the evening. "One of these things is not like the other," they sang on Sesame Street. "Can you tell me which one is not like the other?". I once had four of these beakers. Long ago Dean took a cup filled ...