In the middle
I am in the middle of moving things into the kitchen. The microwave and oven still have to be installed, the plumbing done for the sink, and the stovetop was the wrong one but the new one should be here in the middle of next week. I also moved the furniture around in one end of the living room so that the heat vent wasn't covered. It has been quite cold here for the last few nights although seasonal (read "mild") weather should return soon.
Here are a few pics and I promise that there will be more soon.
This is the countertop in the pantry when it was first installed and was still dusty. This will be the winter studio until the outside studio is insulated, etc.
The hole for the (larger than was delivered) cooktop. The countertop has been wiped with baby oil.
The white is natural veining. The countertops will be grey and will eventually, through use, darken. I will oil them about twice a year.
I think that when the shelves and fan and doors that are now under the counter are removed or installed, as the case may be, I will have a nice work space for the winter. Tonight I installed outlet covers around the room. I will bring in my tall chair from the studio to use here and it is high enough to stand and work if I want to. The plant will go in the window, the boxes hold lighting fixtures that will soon be in the ceiling where they belong and it will be a pleasant place. There is a lovely tree outside the window.
I may not be posting again for a few days. Actually, it might be the middle of next week before I get things sorted out enough to get back to posting.
Reading for the week includes The Death of Santini, Pat Conroy's farewell to his father, and I am beginning Just One Evil Act, another Elizabeth George novel concerning Thomas Lynly . Tomorrow the library is having a review of a book about C.S. Lewis and our priest the reviewer. He and I have rather similar tastes in reading and I am looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
All is well, and all is well,