Fall. It's here
I thought that I would share what I see every day. You don't always have to go far to be astounded by the beauty of nature. That said, I think that without Kodachrome and tripods our pictures of leaves will always be just suggestions.
Can you see all the buds on the dogwood outside my bedroom window? Beautiful red leaves now (almost gone) and promises of lots of blossoms next spring. Dogwoods are lovely all year round.
This Nandina offers bright red berries. And if you hit it just right you get glimpses of a brighter red. The red"T.A.R.D.I.S. "
The company that own this and rents it does take care of it, emptying it regularly, thank goodness. Although it is a good example of its type of architecture, I will be glad to see the last of it.
The sunlight glints on the copper flashing and cap of the rebuilt chimney.
Across the street a maple is so bright that when the light is right it almost seems on fire.
This one is across the street catty-cornered from us. It is such a beauty with its red and orange and yellow .
We are having cool nights and warmish days. Yesterday the cooktop, oven and microwave were delivered but they aren't yet installed. You will see them as soon as possible, in place, cleaned up and ready for (gasp) cooking.
TV watching art.
More of same.
Drawn from a tiny little picture and photographed at an angle so his head looks wonky. I probably should have taken another photo, but it is just not that important since he is just a practice drawing. I have a lot of trouble with shirt collars as you can see.
This was drawn at the bookstore where Vicki and I were enjoying a pumpkin spice Latté. This man was at the next table reading. From this angle there was not much that set him apart although he seemed pleasant enough. Vicki was drawing someone at another table who got up and left before she was able to finish! Poor form!
All is well,
This autumn is not as brilliant as last year but there are still some spectacular sights!