So much to learn and do
I am cautiously optimistic about the kitchen. I think it will be finished before the year is up and will be usable before then - I plan to cook Thanksgiving dinner there! Next week the stone people are coming to measure for countertops; the appliances should arrive later in the week also. I am so excited. If I can just get my plumber to quit going off in different directions I will also have a sink soon. Today he installed a light at the back door. It was nice to come home to a lighted porch, but the project, which he said would take an hour took much longer. Then he had to go over to the shop because one of his buddies gave us his old camper. I haven't seen it. Maybe I will use it as a studio - it has running water, a bathroom and heat after all!
See the lovely light? Right now it has a 100 watt bulb because that was all that was handy, but with that white reflector it will give plenty of light with many fewer watts. There will be one on the garage just like that one.
I have been trying to clean a little and have begun moving little things into the kitchen, but my biggest cleaning has been in the studio where I am once again moving things around into what I hope is a better arrangement. I keep hoping to find the best of the best. This time I have also brought some old paintings from NC and posted them on my inspiration boards so that I can see where I have been and where I am now artistically. I can see what I should have done to them but I don't really know whether to work into them again or leave them as a record. You might notice that I attended a life drawing class. Some of these exercises are very old from quilting classes on color, etc. It is fun to look at them again before they bite the dust.
I have two last photos to show you. From my studio I can look into the kitchen. That is very homey feeling.
And here are two little pieces that I did while I was watching (listening as Dean watched) the TV last night. The photo actually should be sideways, but with abstracts like this direction is not so important. One was a piece I did with water soluble paint sticks and the lower one was done with water color. I am learning to keep working and not stop as soon as it might be finished. So much to learn. Such a late start. But it is something I find that I just have to do, this drawing and painting.
I just finished reading Van Gogh: The Life (I think that is the name of it). If you are a fan, you should read this long but very good book. It delves deeply into his life and work.
All is well,
Re Van Gogh: have you seen that there is to be a film, out in 2015, called Loving Vincent? This is a link to the trailer. What do you think?
My goodness, you certainly deserve that new kitchen! I am so looking forward to seeing the end result - not as much as you though!
Second: WHO is cooking Thanksgiving dinner???? Inquiring minds want to know...
Third: in the top painting I really like how the green appears to cast a shadow on the red. Good job and, of course, I like the one at the bottom also.
Fourth: Why am I not painting?