I can hardly believe that it has been two years since I have posted on this blog site. In the meanwhile I have tried and given up on a website. I am just not willing to maintain a website even if it would mean selling more paintings. Am I lazy? Perhaps, but time is short an I have much to do and I get, at this age, to pick and choose. So I am choosing to restart this blog and write weekly or twice each week. If you are kind enough to read it, thank you. If you are kind enough to comment I will love you and if you have criticisms I promise to take them under consideration.

So today I am waiting to hear from the Creative Arts Guild in Dalton GA, just south of Chattanooga, if they have accepted any of my paintings for their upcoming show. Last year I submitted several and two of them sold. That was such a thrill for me. Okay, My sister-in-law bought one of them but the other was bought by a stranger. Woohoo! I have submitted five this year and should hear today if any have been accepted. One of the problems I have is that I tend to make huge paintings - four feet by five feet or three feet by five feet. Not just anyone is looking for something that size and not just everyone like my style. C'est la vie! I keep painting and although I try to size down, I have another large one on the way.

I haven't quite finished working on these, but you might get the idea. The bottom one is 3'x5'. Oil on canvas. The others are 30" square.

On a different note, I have just finished reading The Witch Elm by Tana French. Ms French is an excellent writer but her books (I have read them all) make me uneasy, almost from the first page. The uneasiness lasts for a day or two after finishing (2:00 this morning) and is hard to shake. It is hard to balance the "feelings" with the good writing and story; I choose the story and the writing, but today is a grey and gloomy day and I just finished the novel and... .

I will let you know what is accepted for the art show and even post pictures. The show won't be until Sept/Oct so you have plenty of time to think about coming to see it if that would be interesting and possible. Until then

Y'all take care,


Unknown said…
Love to read you again C. It's been too long. I did have to peer at it around a cat's tail. Simon insists on computing with me. Welcome back and good luck with the paintings. I, of course, love all of them.


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