Shaving - and painting

As you all know, when you get older your hair gets thinner (less of it) and finer (each hair is now smaller in diameter). This happens to all the hair on our body, by the way. The good part is that shaving your legs gets to be a different activity. Since I can't see those fine hairs in the shower nor can I feel them, shaving my legs is something I find easy to ignore. Until, that is, a few weeks ago when I looked at my leg up close with my glasses on and discovered a hair about ¾ to ⅞ " long. It could have been longer, I did not measure. Eeeeek!  I spend a lot of time looking at things to paint them; I guess that I should include my legs!

Sarie did not have those qualms about shaving. When she was just three she got hold of the razor and shaved --- her eyebrow off!

Don't ask how she got the razor, because no one knows. The fact is that children (girls at least - I have no experience with boys doing this ) always know where you hide the scissors, the razors, and the knives.  They are especially fond of scissors. Sara cut her hair twice, Jenny only once. I cut mine. I would hazard a guess that most or all of you cut yours. We are thankful that Sarie's eyebrow grew back just fine and that she did not cut her cute little face. By the way, look how the orange of her top complements the blue of her eyes, orange and blue being across the color wheel from each other. 

This is a neighborhood fence that I noticed one day when I was walking. The afternoon sun was shining on it and really lighting it up. There was a car parked in the yard which would have been at the lower left corner. I decided to omit it but if you wonder, it was black. 

My next painting is will be different. I painted it once but am going for a better angle. It is a still life of hat and shoes that I hope to be able to get  done and post  tomorrow evening. 

I hope that this Lent brings you a deep joy and satisfaction as you examine your life and how you are living it. 

All will be well, 


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