I'mmm b-a-a-a-ck

What with the nasty aftermath of the election and the fact that east Tennessee, northwest Ga, NC, VA, and KY are on fire, I just haven't had the heart to do much of anything. Add to that a misunderstanding with a neighbor and - whoops, there goes the blog.

Everything that I can do anything about is better now and I am back to painting. The "one a day" thing is not going to work out, I think, but I will be doing a few a week. One reason for not being able to paint one a day is that I need more pictures and with all the smoke there are not many good photos to be made. Neither do I want to sit outside breathing it for several hours while I paint from life.

Of course, the fact that oils take about a week to dry does not help. Finding a place to put them all is beginning to be a problem!

So here are the latest. I took a photo looking down the street to town, intending to paint it. It was just so hazy and indefinite that it ended up being a country highway. Ha.

I will try the photo again, but I might need to take another before I do. 

This is one I had painted before of the marshes in Glynn County, GA. Mary G, my online teacher suggested that I give it another try. I  like this one better. Now I can get rid of the first and use its space! Actually, I think that I could get rid of the one above it also, since it is rather boring and mundane, but I wanted to show you what happened, and I like the way the sky worked out. 

I have been doing a lot of walking lately and I am hooked. I really like it. I love being outdoors, but I am not a camper or a hiker, just a walker. Walking in the neighborhood is fine; walking in a park or a garden is a special treat. Surely we will get some rain before to much longer (it has been since late July or early August since we have had anything of note and we usually have lots) and the fires will be put out and the air will clear and photos will be in order again and I can walk and walk.

I am not sure that I can type "all is well" right now because so much is not well, but in my heart I know that we will come together or enough of us will to make things better. 



Joanna said…
So, you are back. When will we hear from you again. I know it's a busy time but I miss reading your blog, C. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from me and mine!

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