I have been reminded

I have been reminded that I haven't posted in a while, so today I am showing you three pears, two ways.
This one was done with palette knives. I like to use them but it is difficult to make nice curves.That is not a bad spot in the front pear,I just got the darker part too dark.

This was done with a brush. Dean doesn't like the large brushstrokes but I do.What do you think?

 I must stop to work on my computer, the pressureiswrong and I am going nuts!
All is well(exceptthecomputer)



I find the first one to be more compelling, but I don't think it has anything to do with the brush strokes. It is more about color and composition within the pears.
Caroline said…
Thanks for your input. I like the brightness of the second one and I like brush strokes, but ...../
Tamrjo said…
I prefer the second one but not sure if it is due to the brush strokes or just that the clarity of the picture appeals to my aesthetic. I admire your talent and have enjoyed seeing all of your paintings.

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