Some children and some good news

Here are two of the three paintings of the children. After making a 4" one, which had the children looking fairly square and quite young I made a 5"x7" which had them looking tall and older. I finally got it nearly right with a 6" square. This is not coming easily to me!

Now for the news. Two of my previous paintings have been accepted for the Creative Arts Guild Festival in Dalton, GA, this September and October. My sister also entered and four of hers 
 were chosen. She sold a painting there last year - I hope that I can sell one or both of mine this year.

Today was the first day of the last art class I will be taking this year. We set up a huge still life and will be making two paintings by two different processes, neither of which is the one I am learning now, I am sure that what I learn will be helpful, however. I took pictures and made some drawings so I will have those for my own work later. For the rest of this month I will be doubling up trying to do the homework and a painting most days, so there is no telling what you might get on this blog!

All is well, and all will be well,


Thanks for the shout out about my paintings being accepted; I hope we both sell something! Love the paintings of Drew and Sarie. I really am drawn to the shadowing on their legs for some reason. Very nice!
Thanks for the shout out about my paintings being accepted; I hope we both sell something! Love the paintings of Drew and Sarie. I really am drawn to the shadowing on their legs for some reason. Very nice!

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