In case you wonder

If you wonder why I keep posting these obviously amateur paintings in which progress , if there is any, is not readily apparent, it is because I said that I would post (nearly) every day and that keeps me painting. I have painted and posted about 25 or so times out of the 300 that are necessary (some say 500!) to get to know what you are doing. I really appreciate your checking in and the comments you sometimes make. I don't, by the way, expect a comment on every painting but one every once in a while lets me know you are still there.

Here is today's piece. After breaking the cup I went to GoodWill and bought thee things. Except for the spoon which I bought from a box of spoons and stuff years ago and it is one of my favorites - and unbreakable!

6"x6" and I ate the strawberries as soon as I finished! 

By the way, Saudi Arabia has dropped out but the number in France is up to 11, according to the stats Blogger provides.

All is well and all will be well, 


This piece has a bit of wonkiness which I like! (Would love some strawberries!)
This piece has a bit of wonkiness which I like! (Would love some strawberries!)

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