One of those days

Do you ever have those days? I wanted to do my daily scripture reading but my iPad was low on battery power so I went to my computer. No glasses. To the bedroom to get glasses. Hmmm, the bed hadn't made itself although I gave it plenty of time so I made the bed. The quilt, dumped on the floor last night (we don't have our A/C on) needs to be washed. To the laundry area with quilt in hand. Whoops, stuff in washer needs to go in dryer or be hung up. Loaded and started dryer. Made coffee. Talked to Sara. Plugged in iPad. Oh, yes, I was going to read. Went to computer. No glasses. 

As I type this I realized that I did not actually put the quilt in the washer, so I am going to do that and then go to the studio. Oh! Go to the studio after I fold the load from the dryer. Maybe get something to eat. Heat my forgotten coffee. It goes on and on. However, 

All will be well, 


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