Fun with color on a c-o-l-d day.

That cold that is so vicious in the midwest is making things cold here, too. At least to us it is cold.(27 right now) I am so sorry for anyone  who has no warm place to be and even for those who do.

Well, I can't send pictures of cold, not that anyone would need them, but here is a picture of my haircut for all of you who have been holding your breath to see how it looks!
I don't do selfies well!

And here is an update. I don't like the very bottom but it is too cold to go out in the studio to fix it. There is a little heat out there but I don't think it is enough. The paint tubes were very cold yesterday and the fluid paint just wouldn't come out of the bottle; yesterday was warmer than today. I decided that I wouldn't even try today. 
We started an interesting class at church last night about Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. It is only an hour each week and there is no homework (yea!). Father Joel is teaching and we are using a book by the previous Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. See what becoming Episcopal can get you into? 

Sara has worked miracles in the basement. MIRACLES. One no longer needs to show one's shot record and wear protective clothing to descend. It is not ready to be photographed yet but it can be walked through with impunity. Both of the girls have put in time there and we really do appreciate it. I will be in charge of making you-know-who clean up his mess and put things away from now on. I guess that I had best learn to nag. You might hear that I already know how, but don't believe it. 

I have put up the Christmas things and moved the furniture again to yet a new arrangement. My desk is by the window now and I can see up the street and across to where my neighbor feeds the birds and has lots of cardinals to provide a bright spot on a grey day. We on the other hand have robins who gather at the bird bath. I have to go clear the ice twice a day, but it is only on the back porch. 
The aqua thing is a disassembled fountain. 

Bella and

Lucy (Sara's dog)
know what to do on a day like today!

All is well, 


Vicki Styons said…
Cute hair cut and congrats on the basement!

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