Happy Fourth!

Happy Independence day to you and yours! It is hard to even imagine what our life would be like as a colony of Great Britian.  I guess by now that would have changed even if it didn't way back in the beginning. I certainly hope that this country can get back on track. The world is changing so much and we need to find the way. 

DH and I  continue to be fascinated by the robins outside the window and spend many minutes several times each day with binoculars, camera and just plain eyes focused on them. We see baby heads stretched out on long necks and with open mouths when mom or dad arrive with food. In fact, they stretch up so high that I am afraid that they will fall out of the nest. The chicks now have fuzzy little beginner feathers on them so mom doesn't have to work so hard to keep them warm.
 Walking in the neighborhood a few days ago I came across a robin's eggshell on the ground. I think that the bird had hatched.  I have come to the conclusion that they must eat the shells most of the time. The shells are very thin and I am sure that the mother birds need the calcium. In fact, we put out other egg  (crushed) at this time of year for birds to eat. But this little shell was just so sweet that I had to bring it home to show you. 
Here is the little shell piece. Robin's egg blue. 

Last night it was cool. Strangely enough it has been cool on many July 4s in my memory. But last night we turned off the a/c and opened the windows that we have been able to get open and turned on that huge attic fan that came with the house. It curtains blew in so far that I thought things in the room might start floating away. This morning (noon, actually) they are blowing again but with just the breeze of the day. That is just what I like about these little linen panels  - watching them be lifted by the breeze. Something about that just calms my spirit. 

I managed, finally, to get my work table in the living room somewhat organized. I like to sit here to work on the computer and to draw, but I have a terrible time keeping it neat. One the other hand, this is my house and my mess and I just have to try to keep it under control. On the other, people have expectations about a living room and this is not one of them. House Beautiful we are not, but that is just what it is. My circus, my monkeys. 

Having said all that, I am thinking of reupholstering or slipcovering. 

Which do you like? 

Can I do both? 

Awaiting your answers, which you will probably have to email me since I can't make the comments work for anyone other than spammers. 

All is well, 


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