Every time

Every time that I decide that this is just too much and I am going to quit blogging, one of you writes or calls or comments and you just suck me back in. (smile). So, here goes another chapter.
After Jackson's surgery, (which went well and he is recovering nicely)Sarie brought him a toy. Of course Bella took it away from him every time he picked it up and they, together, removed the squeaky parts, but I see it around the house from time to time. I thought that this was a really cute pose when I found it. Such a happy, smiling little fella. 

The city cut down the tree that was so badly cracked. The neighbor's house is suddenly visible and I am sure that it will be quite different on the inside, too. The tree was planted when the homeowner was a young girl and she is my age and it was a shame that it had to be cut down.  I thought that I had taken more pictures but what I had actually done was make more sketches. I am just a sketching fool these days. 

This poor quilt had so many worn and torn places in it that I was afraid to wash it. I mended one place by hand then just took it to the sewing machine and zig-zagged it everywhere there was a bad place. On three places I had to add a patch. Then I washed it and - voila!- it looks decent again. Today, though, I sewed the binding onto the new quilt and I will hem it, on the sewing machine, tomorrow. I will do a tiny little hemstitch. After all, it is a quilt to be used, not one to be entered in a show. 

When I was in Cashiers I bought a little red-painted coffee table. DH wasn't crazy about it but I liked it. When we moved to the garage, though, it didn't fit and I sent it to Jenny to be used as a desk/craft table for the kids. It is with me again and today I was scrubbing it in preparation for painting when I found this. Do you see "MOM, Drew, Zonas"? the Z is reversed. Farther along there was scratched "Sarie" and finally "Dad". I took pictures so I can paint it although it was suggested to me that I could put a little glass over that part and just paint the rest. Thanks for the suggestion, Vicki, but maybe not. 

I am going to submit this to the gallery for possible inclusion in their next exhibit which is based on Literature. This was inspired by my rereading of To Kill A Mockingbird. 

Today DH was working on flooring the porch when a young man who lives a street over asked if he could help. He explained that he liked to do work like that but as a graduate student he didn't have much opportunity. He helped and they talked. I think it was good for both of them. 

All is Well


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