Every time

Every time that I decide that this is just too much and I am going to quit blogging, one of you writes or calls or comments and you just suck me back in. (smile). So, here goes another chapter. After Jackson's surgery, (which went well and he is recovering nicely)Sarie brought him a toy. Of course Bella took it away from him every time he picked it up and they, together, removed the squeaky parts, but I see it around the house from time to time. I thought that this was a really cute pose when I found it. Such a happy, smiling little fella. The city cut down the tree that was so badly cracked. The neighbor's house is suddenly visible and I am sure that it will be quite different on the inside, too. The tree was planted when the homeowner was a young girl and she is my age and it was a shame that it had to be cut down. I thought that I had taken more pictures but what I had actually done was make more sketches. I am just a sketching fool these days. This po...