When the red, red robin...

Right outside my bedroom window, where I can see it from my bed, a mama Turdus migratorious (otherwise known as an American robin) has built a nest. She is still finishing it - moving the furniture around, hanging pictures, etc. so she get up every once in a while and adjusts things. Of course she might just be rolling her eggs, I can't see in the nest. Robins can have 3 or 4 hatches a year in this part of the country; no wonder I see so many in the winter.
The white material is from Jackson's last clipping  - so glad that he could help. 

Dean is replacing the front porch floor. The supports had been attacked by termites at some prior time and the middle and ends were lower than the remainder of the porch. He has the flooring torn out up to the front door right now. Don't guess we will have anyone coming door to door for a while. 

I have been trimming shrubbery and deciding what I want taken out and where I want it placed (some will go to the trash/compost). This afternoon, cleaning around a little juvenile dogwood, after checking to be sure it shook when I pulled the leaves of the intruder, I cut the dogwood. I was sick. But, you know, things happen. Life goes on and life is good. 

All is well


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