The eye has it.

Good grief!  If time keeps going this fast I will be 100 in about ten minutes!

The good news. The front steps are being fixed even as we speak (okay, I am writing and I hope that you are reading, but you know what I mean.) Lane, our mason, is working on the second side wall and Dean has gone to Lowe's to pick up pavers to face the steps and walk. After conferences with Lane and another mason Dean decided to do this instead of tearing out the steps and starting over. Can you say, "Whew" and "Thank Goodness"?
We are adding light to the walls to make the steps safer. Actually, Dean decided on that and Lane is doing it.  I just watch. 

I told Dean to check out this porch furniture while he is at Lowe's. It is smaller than what we had and should be a good fit for our porch. We have two rocking chairs for the other end and we keep thinking that we will hang a swing but I might want it on an A-frame in the back yard. 

Why, you might wonder, is she taking a picture of her eye. Well, I saw drawings of eyes on Pinterest that are phenomenal. Now, I won't be doing a drawing like those (black and white and amazing) but I thought that I might try drawing my eye. Unfortunately, in this photo there is a reflection of the television since I was also watching Cosmos. If you haven't been watching, you should catch it when you can; it is fascinating. 

The inside humidity got up to 74% yesterday so I turned the A/C on to dry things out; now I am ready to have real air again.  I love having the windows open but Thursday it is supposed to be cool again.  Would you people north of here please quit sending down the cold? 

All is well, 


Vicki Styons said…
Why didn't you post your eye drawing?

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