Beauties and absurdities

Time is flying by and suddenly it has been longer than I meant for it to be since I posted. So what has been happening? Well, I finished the painting that I had changed so many times.
I am pleased with the way it turned out. There are so many coats of paint and so many changes behind the surface that I lost count, but I won't be messing with it any more. The images are photos I took (except for the eggs) and transferred to non-woven polyester fabric then cut out and glued. If you look closely you can see that I lengthened the twigs and grass on the nest and worked a little on the feathers also. The eggs were only painted over and shadowed. A few days after this was finished I found a bird egg like this mockingbird egg on the ground in the back yard. I guess that it had been pushed out or blown out with all the hard wind we had just before that. It was tiny - smaller that the end of my little finger. I have kept it (it was cracked) to put my nest. 

The Iris, the state flower of TN, are blooming and they are beautiful. I have been drawing them but I really can't do them justice. However, here are some of my tries. 
From a plant I have been given. Another of its blooms is shown in the photo above. 

From one of Vicki's plants. The edges are very frilly and the color is a lovely orchid pink that I just couldn't get with my pencils. It is a fairy tale in a flower. 

I worked on this one fall(petal) last night just to work on that velvety lush color. So beautiful and impossible to duplicate. 
Here is something new. Did you ever get a POSTCARD marked "personal and confidential"? It was personal (something from the skin and cancer center about its being time for another appointment) but I don't think that a postcard is confidential by definition. I got quite a giggle from that. 

I hope that you are surrounded by beauty and having a few giggle at the absurdities of life. 

All is well


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