Meeting Myself in the Middle

I am sure that you have been where I am now.  It is variously described as running as fast as I can or meeting myself coming and going - or maybe a little of both. What made me think that I could take three classes a week and do some serious editing of our household goods, getting several things out of the house each day? (today it was several large bags of fabric) Ha! So what did I do? I started keeping a drawing journal, not to be confused with a daily diary. Daily would surely do me in. Drawing/sketching just records what is important or interesting or what catches your eye. Just for fun. 
Here is the only drawing I have done. This drawing and future ones will be in ink. I can hardly even think of drawing in ink, much less actually do it and yet I did. The human mind/will or whatever being what it is, if you just jump in and don't worry almost anything can be done. There are several false lines here but I just made myself ignore them and keep on going. It is no prize winner, but so what, it is just my sharpeners and erasers. 

Here is the next layer of the class project, the first layer being white, the second black. These are little pieces of practice writing in the Spencerian manner, no longer practiced for a good reason - it is slow. However, it is pretty and I like to give it a try every now and then. 
This is the fourth layer. Color. I used red, red-violet and violet along with white. When I snapped this with my iPhone, the clear layer on the top was still wet so it is a little smeary looking. I don't yet know which will be the top and which the bottom. Tomorrow is class and some decisions will have to be made. There are more layers to be added. I am not at all sure what the finished piece will be like. I do like these colors, though. 

This is something I unearthed in the cleaning and pitching I am doing. I painted this years and years ago. A few days ago I glazed a little grayish over it and was amazed at how much it came together and changed. It is amazing what a difference something so minor can make. Life lesson here, don't you think?

My pencils and some work from yesterday's class. This might be hard to believe but, discovering that there is another formulation for colored pencils (these are wax-based, the others are oil-based), I had a very hard time keeping myself from buying another set of 60 pencils. What was I thinking? It is hard enough to keep up with these and find what I am looking for. Thank goodness good sense prevailed. And now I know I have at least a little good sense

Have you read that egg shells are good for your plants? And that the birds need calcium in laying season? We are saving egg shells, drying and then grinding them then putting them in the back yard. If you look carefully you can see DH in the background at his computer. 

The day has been long, I have reading to do. I wish you a good night (or day). 
All is well, 


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