It's Here!

Spring is actually, officially here today. It was even sunny and not too chilly! Here are the sign I saw around the yard. 
I never can remember what these are but I like them. 

I know these. That is my neighbor's driveway, but I consider that we share these. 

This is their quince, took but I get to see it and I love that color. 

My blue hydrangea was nearly trampled to death but is making a valiant effort to survive. 

When I was a little girl I thought that violets were the prettiest flowers of all. I still think that they are sweet. These are blooming at the end of a walkway in a pile of rocks, doing their best to bring loveliness to the world of concrete and rock.

In other news, DH made some Kale chips and they are crispy and good. Tear up a bunch of kale, toss with oil and salt, put in a low oven for a long time. Even I could do it. 

This fabric will possibly be used for slip covers on the dining room chairs. Still  in the thinking stage on that one. 

 I will definitely cover some pillows(cushions if you are English) from this fabric to put on the sofas. They look so drab to me now. The crewel pillows were embroidered by my mother but unfortunately the colors are not right for here. They might, however, go in the bedroom. 

This floral will be bedroom curtains or Roman shades or something on the windows and the chevron will be a cornice board and possibly a bedskirt since you can see right under my bed from the living room. 

I am also drawing and painting(Art and Shelf )and doing all the regular work of housekeeping so don't look for finished projects any time soon. Like many things, none of these are exceptionally difficult, but getting it all together and getting going on it can be a hurdle that is not easy to leap. 
It is Spring!!

All is well, 


Vicki Styons said…
The problem with the Kale chips is that I wouldn't think of making them until I wanted them but, hey, I may try it. I really like the fabric you chose for the living room cushions. Actually I don't think the ones Mom made are bad but they are small. They may look good with the new ones. Nothing like a good conglomeration of colors!

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