Finished is better than perfect.

Vicki and I are in Tullahoma at Jenny's house after having spent a day with Anne Bagby, taking a class from her. If you are not familiar with Anne's work, to look her up. Her work is fantastic. I don't have any pictures to show you yet but I will after tomorrow's session.

Meanwhile, I looked out of the window Thursday to see all my porch furniture back in the front yard! No fear, the painters were here and painted the ceiling of the porch the light green that we used for the shingles and painted the last little patch of shingles. I think that they are finished. Dean talked to the electrician that afternoon (Vicki and I were on our way to middle Tennessee) so I hope that all our electrical outlets are now working. There is still plenty to do inside, though.

The city of Cleveland has three trucks that come around. On Thursday the garbage truck comes at some time unknown to anyone until they arrive. More than once we have run out hoping to be seen before they are gone. On the second and fourth Thursdays (or sometimes other days) the "claw truck" comes and picks up sticks and grass and such stuff. If you have wooden items they can be put out and the claw truck will pick them up. Then there is the "sucker truck". It has a powerful vacuum and  picks up leaves if you have swept them to the curb. The problem is that if you have construction workers parking their cars in front of your house or a big trailer there the sucker truck can't pick up your leaves. Guess whose leaves are piling right on up?

I will post again in a few days and I promise photos!!!


Vicki Styons said…
I haven't had garbage service for about 30 years and now find it to be wonderful. No more schlepping to the dump!
Chrissy said…
Looking forward to that, Caroline.

In our area we have to sort our big rubbish and garden stuff and take it all to the local 'dump' which is actually a well run place where you can not only throw away old paint, broken furniture and such but can put out things you don't want any longer for other people to take away for free. A system that makes us feel anonymously generous.

The dump has seen a lot of Hugh and me lately.

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