Getting there

It is finally getting toward the end of the construction. Unfortunately, I am getting toward the end of my last good nerve! Not really, but as finishing draws closer I want things done NOW, and there is still quite a bit to do. With that in mind, here is an update.
 The flooring has been installed. 
The walls have been painted the lightest, pretty pink

We have been looking at countertops again. This is an African soapstone that is absolutely fantastic, but I am not sure that it wouldn't just overpower the rest of the room. (This photo looks a little greener than the actual piece.) I might go with regular grey soapstone but this is really a wonderful piece of stone that, when seen larger, gives me an arts and crafts vibe.  We are going to wait until the cabinets are installed to make a decision; that should happen later this week. 
Here are some little pieces that I made at the paper workshop Vicki and I attended last weekend. Do you recognize me? My mouth, small really, is made of paper with words on it and is quite large because I talk so much!  I need to put a little white in the eyes. 
We have registered for another workshop in late October where we will be collaging queens and kings. We have preparatory homework for that class so I am drawing little faces each night on the backs of business cards. It is surprisingly hard to get a face from a magazine ad down to this size, but when we collage royal figures the faces will be small so the practice is important. 

The "guys" cleaned out the storage room so that it can be insulated and have new sheetrock put up. The old stuff was nasty dirty and very brittle after all those years of heat. The white that you see is the underside of the new roof. Each sheet of plywood decking was coated with some new stuff before it was placed. I think it is to help with the heat. 

Some of you will be sorry to know that the leaping girl leapt right off the page.  I am working (in my head right now) on what to do to finish the painting. I hope to get to the studio today but there is so much to do in the house that I don't know if I will be able to. Maybe the girl will leap into another painting. 

All is well, and all is well, 


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