Some Days Are Like That

There is a wonderful small children's book called Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day , written by Judith Viorst. It should be required reading for everyone. Alexander has a bad day and keeps saying that he thinks he will move to Australia. At the end he decides that some days are just like that - even in Australia. The phrase has become a family favorite. Well, a few days seem to have been like that recently. I have found it so difficult to sit down and blog, even though I wanted to.

Actually, things are going well. The drywall has been installed and will be sanded tomorrow night.
 Looking from dining room toward back door and laundry area
 The place for Dean's desk and the door to the hall toward our room. 
 Looking toward the pantry on the  left and the back door. 
 The opening in the pantry wall enables the light from outside to shine into the area. 
 I will be so glad when the washer and dryer can be put in place, hooked up and used again. 
This little space will house the coffee machine, cups, etc. as well as wine glasses and other glassware. 

When you see the walls again they will be pale pink!

Did you ever have a bar of soap that you really, really liked? Did you like it enough to use it down to the very last bubble? I bought a bar in Asheville last April. Handmade with Calendula flowers. It has a lovely feel and scent and I plan to use it until it just can't be used - until it disappears in my hand.  Quite obviously that day is just around the corner.

 Below is a little drawing I did of a fish sculpture I have had for several years. It was fun to do and I love the little fish. 

Remember this sock? Every time Sara visits she leaves one sock of this pair here. Is there something unconscious going on here? Maybe she is making sure that we think of her? That she will come back? That she was in a hurry when she packed?!

A/C man coming tomorrow, then paint, trim, floor, cabinets, countertops, appliances. Done. Still some painting outside to be done, but it might wait for a while. 

All is well, 


Chrissy said…
A good philosophy, Caroline, which has had to carry you through 'off' days.

Those pristine spaces seem like a blank, pure, piece of paper, all ready for your own personal mark. I'm sure you are longing for the great day when you can sit back and relax - with maybe the sound of your washing machine in the background.

As for the sock, they certainly could be a sort of talisman. I've known people surprised by doing the same thing and then realising the wish they were unknowingly expressing.

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