Back to class and other stuff

Over the weekend we were visited by our younger daughter, Sara, and her Treeing Walker Coon Hound Lucy. Beautiful Lucy crawled into Greg's lap when he was out hunting. She was starving and had been shot in the leg. Greg brought her home, took her to the vet, they fed her, had her heart worms treated and had the shot removed from her leg and now she is theirs. Lucy is a strikingly good looking dog if you like hounds and I do. Of course she fell for Dean (and he for her) and watched each time he left the house. We only heard her "bay" once and that was at a cat that my dogs were barking their heads off  to scare away. (the cat ignored the whole cacophony)

Yes, that is Dean driving and Lucy watching his every move. 

This is the way the guys leave the worksite when they leave for the day or the weekend. I don't always leave my own worksite that neat. Today we found out that Dustin's wife, who broke her ankle, is not healing well; he had to leave to take her to the doctor. She will probably have surgery tomorrow, so Dustin won't be here. I am not worried about the work being slowed down, but I hope and pray that her ankle begins healing properly. 

I have chosen the flooring, the countertop material, the cabinet paint and the wall paint for the kitchen. They are all soft and warm colors - reds and warm greys. I will try to photograph them so that you can see them after I get back from art class tomorrow. Vicki and I are starting a new series of classes and will be going for 6 weeks. Major paintings are destined to be produced!!

I saw the plastic surgeon today and am scheduled to have the basal cell carcinoma removed from my nose next Monday. I will probably have a scar like an upside-down question mark, he says, but we really won't know until the lesion is removed and he sees how the skin will go back together. The skin on the nose is not too stretchy and he might have to make a flap from skin elsewhere on my nose. I guess it is fortunate that I have a generous nose and not a little tiny thing so he can find flap material.  

We had the TV reconnected to the cable. When we had it disconnected they suddenly found that we were on the "old" plan and that there is a "new" plan whereby we can have telephone, Internet and cableTV for what we were paying for just the Internet and the telephone. So we said yes. It is nice to have TV whether or not it is turned on. 

All is well and all is well and all sorts of things will most certainly be well. 


Vicki Styons said…
Lucy sounds as if she is a sweetheart and she looks so cute! I'm sorry that I didn't see her while she was visiting.

I think your floor, counter, cabinet and wall color choices are fab! You have such good taste.

Class was fun and I hope I can make something decent from my pour!
Caroline said…
Her markings are very interesting and she has very soft ears.

Art class is challenging me, but I am determined to do some good work. Practice, practice, practice!,

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