
Yikes! Termites! I think that it is an old colony, but when the guys started working on the side of the house to replace the vinyl siding on the gable ends, some of the boards underneath were barely still there. Gulp! The South is noted for termites and this house was built before termite treatments were common, so we probably could have expected it.
 Doesn't the color of the Redbud (Cercis canadensis) look pretty against the wood? The green is a lovely counter point. 
This picture shows the upstairs; the damage was on the wall of the kitchen, below and to the left. It is a bricked wall, so we will have to wait until they start working inside the house and then tear down that wall to be sure of the extent of the damage. Can you say "ChaChing?" Still not sorry we began, though. I love having the laundry upstairs, even in an unfinished room. 
 Here is some work I have been doing on a painting. I am working in green and orange, right now, seeing what all I can do with them. The picture above shows it when it was just begun,

In this one(above)  I have added some different greens, mixed some white into the orange and taken out some of the sparkle. Below is the way it is now. Still more greens, some of them leaning toward blue when white is added. To be mounted on a canvas/frame it will need to be cut down by about two inches each way and I am trying to decide where to cut. I am leaning toward the top, with some off the right and maybe just a sliver off the left. Maybe the whole two inches off the right. 
I am amazed at where you can go with orange and green. I will go to green and violet after this, I think, but I might try a few more with these colors. I really do like them. 

acrylic on paper

I hope that you are having beautiful spring weather like we are. 
All is well


Vicki Styons said…
Two things:
1. how do you always know the scientific name of plants and I rarely know even the common names?
2. how can you always think of such a perfect name for your paintings?
Chrissy said…
This is what I like about your blog, Caroline:
"One side of my house might fall in. Hey, look at this gorgeous tree!"

Gorgeous also are the colours in your final photo.

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