A very short post. This, boys and girls, is the dryer, hooked  up and running. Beyond it is the washer, hooked up and running (well, not just when this was taken, but capable of running). I can do laundry on the same floor of the house and it is the main floor. Things are still a little rough and when the worker bee guys need power tools they use the long extension cord (it is theirs, after all) and I can't wash. The electrician will be here (this week, I hope) and wire it all in, but at least in the late afternoons and early evenings I can do laundry right now. No electricity except the extension cords means that a flashlight is required if I launder at night, but that is minor after all that went before!

I am working on another painting; this time it is orange and green, which sounds rather unusual but I hope that it will work out well. If it doesn't, there is always gesso to wash over it and begin again. It wouldn't be the first time for me and probably not for many others. There are just no guarantees in art, are there? Who wants safe art that you are sure will please? Sounds boring to me - boring to look at and especially boring to paint.  

For a treat, go to Vicki's, Chrissy's, Carol's and MaryAnn's blogs for some lovely pictures of Italy, France and Vicki's great back garden. 

The work will start inside soon which will be better and worse.The mess of taking down two walls will be horrible but I am really excited to get it started. 



Vicki Styons said…
Thanks for the plug re my blog!!!

I KNOW you are excited to have a working (sort of) washer and dryer on the main floor of your house--just steps away from your bedroom. I'm excited for you!

You did not mention your new sky lights. Oh, wait ... that is just the sky shinning through where your roof SHOULD be. It is a beautiful week to have a new roof installed.

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