A Busy Day

When I walked out the door this morning I saw this truck parked in the grass of the front yard, a ladder going up to the roof, and other trucks everywhere. 
 Walking down the drive, I saw Drew conferring with someone on the roof. 
 There was a bucket truck in the back yard and this guy was connecting the just-moved electric service outside the new room. 
  Dean went up on the roof to check out what needs to be done. I left to walk to Vicki's house for a visit and a cup of coffee. Our power was off. And this scaffold goes up right beside both bathrooms. Vicki has a new bathroom. Very pretty. 
 Lots of pretty flowers on the way to V's house and some in her yard. 

 Later in the afternoon I found that the kitchen was brighter - possibly because of this opening to the outside! It is where the leaks have been. 
When work on the roof started it was discovered that there is no ridge beam, and that the miscellaneous selection of boards nailed across the rafters were full of dry rot so they were removed and the rafters tied together at the peak with triangular braces. The front of the roof will have to be replaced but not just now. Many sacks of very old insulation were also removed and will be replaced with something new and more efficient. 

As a last thing for today the roof was covered with plastic to keep at least a little warmth in on this cool spring evening. Sheets of plywood have been waterproofed and prepared for installation tomorrow. Over them goes a layer of underlayment and then the shingles. No more leaks (at least we hope so). 

This started out as a rather simple project to move the washer and dryer upstairs. Projects just don't stay simple, do they? Especially in an old house. This one was built 90 years ago this sumer. It has served well and continues to do so. 

Tomorrow I am leaving here and going shopping with Vicki and Kay. Coming home will have some surprises I am sure. Dean can be surprised by what I have bought and I can be surprised by what has been done. 

It's all good.


Vicki Styons said…
The progress on your house continues much to my excitement, your excitement and that of your neighbors who just want the trucks to go away!!

Lovely photographs of the flowers between your house and mine.

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