Slow, not steady

Things continue at Tantivy. Slowly. Oh. So. Slowly.
 I have moved the dining room table to be able to get the washer and dryer through to the partially finished place behind the kitchen. The dining room isn't that bright but right now I wish it were. That green just makes my heart sing. 
We have a new pet door. The other had to be taken down to come in and out and was a real pain to replace. This one has a clever little gate for us to go through or take the dogs through. We really don't need the tiny door but I imagine that Sarie will like it. 

 This is the neatest and cleanest part of the house. Bella will back me up on that. 
Behind the washer and dryer is my "studio". I am thankful that the weather is nice now so that I can move back into the real studio. Though far from perfect, having my own work space is wonderful. 

 The laundry set provides something of an obstacle. 
 Outside, things are beginning to bloom. This laurel will soon be covered with candles. The don't smell great but they are pretty and we have a porta potty which is cleaned each week and filled with a very sweet smelling chemical to perfume the area.

 The pink dogwood outside our bedroom window is ready to provide us with a lovely show. 
 Next to the driveway our neighbor's white dogwood is ready to contribute a cloud of white. 

The Hostas that Alan and Alyce brought and planted were determined to survive the construction - even the dry soil. Rain is predicted for tomorrow.  

These wouldn't even let the weeds choke them out. After the rain I will try to attack the weeds. 

Today I became very discouraged about this work ever being finished but going out and seeing the plants putting out flowers and coming up despite their obstacles has been a lesson for me and I am feeling better. All is well and all is well and all manner of things will most certainly be well. 



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