Some Days...

I haven't posted for several days because I didn't think that photos of the dust would be all that interesting! This house was originally heated by a coal furnace - not today's "clean coal" at all. The chimney is no longer used so we decided to remove it and a little shelf niche to include the space in the new big room. The old chimney was full of soot from all the coal fires and now every square inch of space in this house has at least a dusting of coal soot. I have cleaned part of it but there are two other walls that have to come down and they will spread plaster dust so the cleaning was only what was necessary to keep me from losing my mind. Here are pics.

 On the left, the "office" where the wall was cut out. The niche is to the left. Both spaces will be included in the new room.
On the right, the view to the attic space.

This space has now been closed off with plastic sheeting.

On the right, the view to the basement. The hole goes from roof to basement floor. When I turned around, the white freezer had turned grey except where I drew a line with my finger. 

 Today there was a floor which will be a part of the room! The little basement entry will have a concrete floor one of these days. Between now and then the roof line is being changed, walls are going up and other walls are coming down. Framing starts tomorrow. One of these days the messiest parts will be over.

Vicki and I did Sketch Skirmish today and she has posted on Facebook. Seeing my drawing there made me realize all that was wrong (as usual) and I want to work on mine some more before I post it. I will post both the one from today and the one that I hope will be an improvement. I have also been working with some other photographs I have of my cousins when they were young. I do like drawing and , if my drawings aren't photo perfect, they are usually enough like the subject to be recognizable. I am going to be trying something new - doing large faces with collage - next month. That should be interesting from my point of view and I hope that you will enjoy them also.



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