In the back yard

An old rhyme says, "Mother may I go out to swim?" "Why yes, my darling daughter. Hang your clothes on a hickory limb, but don't go near the water" That is what came to mind when I walked down the drive and saw these jackets hanging in the tree.  

 The cement mixer was my next view. The block guys were here laying the block for the foundation and the new basement walls. It was a sunny day. We don't have those too often this winter.

Today they were water proofing the new walls. The tar is heated to about 500 degrees F. The smell of hot tar seeped into the house; I left to go to the coffee shop with Vicki. We sat and drew faces as part of our new "sketch war." We are each drawing the same face. Our drawing styles are very different but the faces are obviously the same.

Later in the day the concrete mixer truck came and the holes in the block were filled. A drain pipe and gravel from the huge pile will be next and then we will finally get to the framing. These views are out of my bedroom windows through very old screens. That is Dean looking on.
The dogs like to watch also, so I take the curtain panel down.
However, curtain down or up, I have to go to the bathroom to dress since the curtain is semi sheer and the guys are right outside. Don't want to scare them!!

I will post faces from the sketch wars when Vicki posts hers so you can see both and see our different styles. We find it very interesting to see how different and yet the same the drawings are.

We are supposed to have snow flurries this weekend. Flurries I can take. Accumulation right now would be a real blow for someone as anxious for spring as I am.

All is well.


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