The second day of Christmas
On the second day of Christmas we went to see Sara and Greg. My daughter married a man who hunts and the decor of their house (she moved into his when they married) is not what I would ever have pictured for her. This bookcase shelf has a little of both of them - our trips to the beach, his trips to the field. Those are little skeletons and antlers. Actually the shells are skeletons also, so I guess that works out.
This is one of three mounted heads in the living/family room. There are also mounted deer skulls and a mounted pheasant. Sara says that no more heads will be mounted. I would have to agree that they have enough.
The crèche is one that my parents had. My father made the stable and we painted the figures. I am not sure if there were any other figures or not. No wise men, but it is too early for them. (They come January 6 - the day of the Epiphany.) The children are our two grandchildren as bookends to Sara's stepson, Morgan. They get along well together so it is good that they occasionally get to be in the same place at the same time. We hope that Morgan will be able to come to the beach with us again this summer.

Next time I will post some pictures from the little town Sara and Greg live near and update the reading and art business. And before the 12th Day of Christmas I have to get the cards out; that is tomorrow's job.