Dirty face and bowling

First up is the latest painting , shown on the floor for lack of anywhere that didn't have a competing background. It is a strange little piece, but I rather like it. I had fun researching the "B" things and the blossom and giving them a try. I have the next piece in my mind but have to go get the canvas or paper out of the cold studio tomorrow so I can begin. I think that it will be quite different. 

On Friday after Thanksgiving, while Dean, Greg and the girls worked on the fence, Alex tackled taking down the ceiling boards in the basement prior to the electrician coming here to rewire the house and bring it up to code. The house was once heated by coal and the coal dust was thick on the top of the ceiling boards. He was this dirty from head to toe and anyone who carried a single board out to the street to be picked up was also dirty.

The kids did some blowing of the leaves and Morgan, Greg's son, cut the grass with my battery powered lawn mower. He did a good job, too. The boys carried out enough boards to get very dirty and were all in all a real help.

I was going to take a photo of the huge pile of boards but the claw truck came by today before I was even up. Of course I was still exhausted so I wasn't up early.

We decided to quit work at noon on Saturday and go bowling with the whole family. So here we are, minus one teenage boy.We had a great time and some of us actually had good scores. I did not, but I had fun. I would like to bowl again, I think, from time to time. Surely it is good exercise.

I still haven't finished all the laundry. The basement will take a while to clean so doing the laundry is not as easy as usual. Tomorrow is the day to take a rake and the shop vac and who knows what all else to scrape it out and get it back in shape. Would you like pictures?

Thanks for reading and take care


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