Family weekend.
Dean and I went to our daughter's house to "babysit" this weekend since both Jenny and Alex were busy with the All Tennessee Lutheran Youth event at their church. We had a great time and I took some pics to share with you.

The dogs found that they could push open the outside door if it wasn't latched and took a few walkabouts but they were found quickly and came back more or less willingly. They are 10 and nine now and not quite as boisterous as they once were, although they are often taken for much younger than their years.
I love the juxtaposition of this bright red Maple and the still green Ginko. The Ginko will be turning any day now and will become bright yellow. Then the leaves will fall all at once and it will be finished for the year. A few blocks from us there is an enormous Ginko that I hope to photograph at its brightest yellow. The ground under it will turn to gold.
This afternoon I am making an Italian Cream Cake for a dinner celebrating the graduation of two members of the class I take on Monday nights. I have never made the cake before but it does not look difficult and I know that it is good. Dean is making Pasta y Fagioli, and others are making homemade pasta, sauces, salad and bread. There is another dessert but I don't remember what it is. What a feast!
Last thing. The latest pour, dried and ready if I can figure out what I want to do with it. I will study it and let it "speak" to me for a while before I begin. I might do another pour to be waiting in the wings while I wait for this one to "speak". Sometimes there is just nothing said and the pour has to be set aside and the artist must wait for another day (or week or month or... you get the idea) and try again.
I have figured out how you can leave a comment. Write your comment, and sign it with your name (first is enough, I know who you are). Then choose "anonymous" at the bottom of the list of ways to comment. Then choose "publish". If you have ever had a google account you can use it if you can remember your user name and password. I hope that this works for you.
XOXOXO, Caroline