A trip to the Library
For several weeks Vicki and I have been meeting at the library on Tuesdays in the coffee shop there. I thought that I would show you a little about our interesting library. The new part is built on to the back of this house. I wandered around today and came to the front door by the inside. It was locked with a thumb-bolt and chain but I unlocked it (left the chain on) and peeked out to be sure that I was where I thought I was. The picture on the left is the old stairway just as you entered that door. Upstairs there was a meeting about to begin and lots of chat and laughter was floating down the stairs. I didn't go up to investigate.
This is the new part with it's automatic doors and outside book return and all the things new libraries have. Inside there is a little courtyard where the two buildings meet. One can go out there but I don't know if it is ever used or not.
The library is only a block behind my house. I go past "the monument" to get to it. Many southern towns have monuments to the confederate soldiers. I will have to check again to see who the other is to.

The library is across the street to the right and on the corner back toward the viewer. Across the street to the right is the history branch of the library with history of the city, the state, archives, etc. It is also in one of the old, big houses, built by a family who is no longer here. The house wasn't large enough for the wife and another house was built but I don't know where.
I want to go spend some time in the archives there but somehow I haven't done it yet. Maybe that will be a Thursday activity for me. I have never had, except for the few times I was working, a specific day to go anywhere. I think the structure is interesting especially since if it gets to be onerous I can just change it.
When I got home, Dean was repairing the dishwasher, which has been making a horrible noise for several weeks. He found a piece of plastic in the drain pump impeller. I am glad that he is so handy, but I need three or four of him to get all the things done that need to be done around here. The fence is at a standstill but I hope that it will move forward toward completion soon.
Danny Gregory's challenge on his everyday drawing matters blog was to draw an animal. I drew my favorite felon, this crow, from a photo I made in NC. He looks like he belongs on the Post Office wall with the 10 most wanted.
As always, thanks for reading. I, as every blogger does, would love to hear from you. To comment, you need to be reading from your browser. So if you want to get notifications, subscribe by e-mail then click on the Title/URL. Other than that, I have done everything I can to make it possible. If you have problems, I also love to get your e-mails at either mcs27b@mac.com or carolineberk@gmail.com.
I hope that your day is wonderful.
This is the new part with it's automatic doors and outside book return and all the things new libraries have. Inside there is a little courtyard where the two buildings meet. One can go out there but I don't know if it is ever used or not.
The library is only a block behind my house. I go past "the monument" to get to it. Many southern towns have monuments to the confederate soldiers. I will have to check again to see who the other is to.

The library is across the street to the right and on the corner back toward the viewer. Across the street to the right is the history branch of the library with history of the city, the state, archives, etc. It is also in one of the old, big houses, built by a family who is no longer here. The house wasn't large enough for the wife and another house was built but I don't know where.
I want to go spend some time in the archives there but somehow I haven't done it yet. Maybe that will be a Thursday activity for me. I have never had, except for the few times I was working, a specific day to go anywhere. I think the structure is interesting especially since if it gets to be onerous I can just change it.
When I got home, Dean was repairing the dishwasher, which has been making a horrible noise for several weeks. He found a piece of plastic in the drain pump impeller. I am glad that he is so handy, but I need three or four of him to get all the things done that need to be done around here. The fence is at a standstill but I hope that it will move forward toward completion soon.
Danny Gregory's challenge on his everyday drawing matters blog was to draw an animal. I drew my favorite felon, this crow, from a photo I made in NC. He looks like he belongs on the Post Office wall with the 10 most wanted.
As always, thanks for reading. I, as every blogger does, would love to hear from you. To comment, you need to be reading from your browser. So if you want to get notifications, subscribe by e-mail then click on the Title/URL. Other than that, I have done everything I can to make it possible. If you have problems, I also love to get your e-mails at either mcs27b@mac.com or carolineberk@gmail.com.
I hope that your day is wonderful.
Poor Dean and the dishwashers. What do the Berks do to have so much dishwasher trouble?! haha Glad you have a live-in handyman!
The photograph of the hall in the library has given me an idea. Perhaps I'll hang my small stained glass window over one of the transom windows in my kitchen. It might look cool and wouldn't look as dirty as the window does now!!! What a bonus!
The crow is so powerful! Wouldn't like to meet him on a dark night! I've just bookmarked Danny Gregory's blog and am really excited about it. There's nothing like a bit of guidance and inspiration to get the work flowing.
Dean sounds like my Hugh - he can work out how something works, or goes wrong, and put it right. Patience is a virtue and I have lots but only for certain things. Not machines, not difficult computer programmes.