I am surrounded by Paris today. My favorite comic, Stone Soup, has Joan thinking and dreaming about going to Paris. Jane LaFazio posted a blog about her trip to Paris here and Chrissy posted for two days about Versailles and an art exhibit (bodacious) here. I am ready to pack and go. I have actually had the pleasure of a few days in Paris with a friend who needed a companion when her husband made a trip there then had to Fly back to Cincinnati and back to Paris. The waiters are, essentially, rude as promised but the city is lovely. The Eiffel tower, such a cliche in so many ways, when lighted at night is a twinkling jewel. I want to go again, to spend a few more days in that magical city. So many things to do, so little time, so little money.

So instead I bought some rugs for the doorways. The rugs are made from 30%post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. Since I recycle, I feel that I should buy things made with my recyclables so that there is a market for them. Work both sides, so to speak. The birds are at the back door, the ferns at the front. They are washable, which is good considering the rain we had yesterday
We didn't flood but water came into the basement through the door to the outside. The drain there is woefully inadequate and will be quite a project to repair. This Old House. Still love it and still glad we moved, but it does have its little quirks.

Also, still working the red lipstick thing. Had to come back to the house today to apply, but yesterday I remembered from the get go. I have never been one to always wear lipstick and reapply it. but I think I will get the hang of it. I even bought another one to keep in my purse in case the reapplying becomes necessary.
Thanks for stopping by. Do go to the linked blogs, they are quite good. And let me know how you are doing. If you can't comment on the blog, email me at All bloggers live for comments.

So instead I bought some rugs for the doorways. The rugs are made from 30%post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. Since I recycle, I feel that I should buy things made with my recyclables so that there is a market for them. Work both sides, so to speak. The birds are at the back door, the ferns at the front. They are washable, which is good considering the rain we had yesterday
We didn't flood but water came into the basement through the door to the outside. The drain there is woefully inadequate and will be quite a project to repair. This Old House. Still love it and still glad we moved, but it does have its little quirks.

Also, still working the red lipstick thing. Had to come back to the house today to apply, but yesterday I remembered from the get go. I have never been one to always wear lipstick and reapply it. but I think I will get the hang of it. I even bought another one to keep in my purse in case the reapplying becomes necessary.
Thanks for stopping by. Do go to the linked blogs, they are quite good. And let me know how you are doing. If you can't comment on the blog, email me at All bloggers live for comments.
I got notice of your blog much faster this time. This says you posted at137 and I got notification at 203.
The art exhibition was overwhelming to me. I don't expect everyone to agree though. I suspect you have a more open mind about modernist works than I do.
Please tell us what your tee-shirt says.