I bought a painting

I bought an original painting by Francis Matia, soon to be Vicki's daughter-in-law. Her style is a little edgier than mine as you will notice. It is not really what you would expect in a mostly Arts and Crafts style house, but I like it here. This is the view as you come in our front door.

No helper in the studio today but I got some work done. The banner on the blog today is the newest pour and I did some beginning work on it. Don't ask me what it means or what things are because I really don't know.  The white is glare from my flash. I like this so far, but I am going mark by mark and really feeling my way.

Here is The Girl. She is either finished or very close to it. She also has a glare from the flash on her dress. I am not sure why she is sitting there. Maybe she is thinking about her "parfait gentil knight", or maybe she is considering the cloistered life. Daydreaming, that is certain.
Chattanooga is having "Wine Over Water" next weekend; a wine tasting on the pedestrian-only bridge across the TN river. I was going until I found out that the tickets are $65. You can taste a lot of wine, but I can't drink it because of my rosacea.

This week has flown, too. I guess they all do when you are busy so I had best be prepared for the next week. Tomorrow and Monday I will be working on EfM homework (some of Paul's shorter letters); Tuesday morning is library and Wednesday morning is art class. Thursday will be a studio day, Friday the family is coming over to our house for  brother Buddy's birthday dinner. Dean's brother and sister -in-laware making a stop here on their leaf-peeping trip in October but they aren't sure yet just when.

Glad you stopped by and hope that you will come by again. Feel free to comment or e-mail.


Vicki Styons said…
I love what you have done to your new pour. I am planning to stamp on mine but I have no hope it will look as good as your does. It has a dreamy look to it.

I think that girl "was never meant to work." haha

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