#2 in the series

I am continuing to work on the Red/Black series, but took time off to go to Tullahoma to take Sarie to a birthday party when Jenny and Alex were taking Drew to a mini-triathlon in Murfreesboro. I went Friday evening and returned Saturday afternoon. Being lector at the 8:00 service Sunday morning had me hopping out of bed early but when I returned home I crawled right back in for a little nap. No studio work. Yesterday and today, though, I worked and got a few things done. The organic piece is just about finished. I like the leaves over the black. Vicki (sister) called it compelling. I hope that it did not compel her to close her eyes! Here is the strata piece after the pour and a little work. Bubble wrap to make the dots, etc. Turned out that I didn't like the dots and made some changes. Here it is after the changes. That is glare on the left. More changes have been made but I forgot to photograph them. The blue in the upper right is smoother and more organic ...