#2 in the series

I am continuing to work on the Red/Black series, but took time off to go to Tullahoma to take Sarie to a birthday party when Jenny and Alex were taking Drew to a mini-triathlon in Murfreesboro. I went Friday evening and returned Saturday afternoon. Being lector at the 8:00 service Sunday morning had me hopping out of bed early but when I returned home I crawled right back in for a little nap. No studio work.

 Yesterday and today, though, I worked and got a few things done. The organic piece is just about finished. I like the leaves over the black. Vicki (sister) called it compelling. I hope that it did not compel her to close her eyes!

Here is the strata piece after the pour and a little work. Bubble wrap to make the dots, etc. Turned out that I didn't like the dots and made some changes. Here it is after the changes. 

That is glare on the left. More changes have been made but I forgot to photograph them. The blue in the upper right is smoother and more organic looking. I think I photograph often, but it is easy to get so busy that it just doesn't get done. 
This is the grid-to-be after the pour and after some Cling Wrap was placed on it and it was allowed to dry. The moisture under the wrap does unexpected things, depending on how wet it was when covered and the heat of the room, etc.

 I have done a little more, so it looks like this now at this still very early stage. 
 One last picture. Sandra (teacher) suggested that I darken the outside of the blue and green painting. I am not sure that I am glad that I did, but it is only paint on paper. It is hard, when you know so little to stick with your own vision instead of being swayed by someone who knows so much more than you. This is not a good photo; the sides are dark red and dark blue with some dark green figures in them. the bottom has a little red and a little yellow that don't show up. Like most things, it looks better when you look at the real thing. 

Tomorrow is our last class until the end of September. I will hope to have all these finished by the time we restart. Meanwhile, I am working on my Education for Ministry class at church and there is lots of homework and thinking about our personal theologies as well as the established theology and for second year (my year) a thorough study of the New Testament. I am learning a lot and we have wonderful discussions. 

I hope that you have enjoyed seeing my working process on this series. I will show them all together when they are all finished. Let me hear from you. I love reading your news and your comments. 


Unknown said…
Wow, C, I love the direction you seem to be going with your art. I, of course, have done nothing. Although I did get my pour out of the mailing tube and have it flattening under books. there are parts I really dislike so I look forward to your visit and your thoughts. Joanna
Vicki Styons said…
I like the blue with the dark frame around it. I think it sets off the center which I really like. Of course i have seen the red and black taken even further than you have here and am excited to see the work you will be doing on the one with the grid. Also I love how the leaves blow over the tree in first one. Red is so dynamic that it scares me. Notice none of my work includes that brave color!
Unknown said…
Caroline, I like the painting in your banner. Is it one of yours? Joanna

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