Carpenter Caroline
Well, maybe not carpenter, but I did use a saw and a mitre-box (both mine) this week when I decided that I needed a place to put paper towels, cling film and wax paper in my studio. Old dog. New tricks. Again.
I had lost the pegs that hold boards, etc. in place for cutting but found that a Faber Castell Pitt pen was just the right size to use. (below). A dowel would have worked but they were what was being cut!
Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the mitre-box would fit over the front edge of the table to stabilize it until the work was all done.(top right) Then again, I only cut three pieces of dowel from two longer lengths, so I didn't have much struggling to do.
Here is the finished project. The dowels slip into the holes on the shelf supports and hold wrap, or anything on a tube. I can easily remove them to take them to class if I want to, but they aren't on top of other things or falling off onto the floor. I feel very clever in a limited sort of way.
Vicki came over to tear down some watercolorpaper with my large ruler as guide and ended up staying for an equipment/furniture moving party for two. She even suggested that we move the flat file which weighs a ton and required disassembly before we could even budge it. I was exhausted all the next day. She is younger so she might have been only tired all the next day. I hope.
When it was all over I made this "pour", pouring and spreading acrylic paints to make a base for a new painting. More to come on that when I get to the next step.
How is your family? Have you finished any interesting projects recently? Started any? Are you just melting in the heat or has it cooled a little where you are? Inquiring minds want to know. Leave a comment. If it is just too private, try email at