A new way to go

One of the changes that has come with Apple's new systems is that it is dropping the iWeb that I used to write and post this blog (ette). so I am going to blogger to see how that works. Hang in there with me. I might be an old dog, but I am determined to learn a new trick.

So... . It is quite warm here as it probably is at your house also. (107F {41.6C})There is much to be done outside, but little inclination to do it between the heat and the mosquitos. Our A/C, who knows how many years old can't quite keep up with the heat.

I meant to take lots of pictures in the two weeks I was at the beach and I thought I would also draw and paint. Instead I played withe the kids, slept, shopped, read, etc. It was great fun.

Sara had a hugely swollen gland in her neck and I had to take her to the doctor. Strep throat.
Jenny had just left for the youth gathering she did worship classes for.

Some haircutting as done. Drew went with a growing out buzz and we buzzed it again. He has so much hair!Jenny just wanted hers shorter.
 The view from our porch. The water was just right. sometimes it is bath warm but this year is was slightly cool and clear. Wonderful. 

This is what I have been reading. He speaks of the necessity of resting in order to have a productive and satisfying life. I would recommend it to anyone.

Lots to learn with this new system. I hope that this coms to you all in one piece but not overlapped, etc. The URL is Tantivy.blogspot.com


Unknown said…
great blog, C. family looks great and what a view. sorry it is so hot there. We are down in the 80's for the next week or so, but the heat will be here for sure. I am enjoying the pool and the water aerobics class MWF. Also, my boyfriends back and there will be no more trouble. Excited that you and Vicki are coming to visit.
Diann said…
Loved the pictures of the kids. We went to Seagrove beach with Adrianne's family and stayed in a house on the beach. We had great weather and left on Sunday when storm Debbie was coming in. We had a great time with the kids playing in the sand and getting a little tan. As of Thursday we have been in Seattle enjoying the 60 degree weather, while Atlanta is in the 100's. Sorry to rub it in, but we don't miss the heat. We are worried about our lawn and garden, but hope it will make it through.
Vicki Styons said…
Enjoyed the blog and the pics. It presents me with a challenge. Actually something I've been thinking about but now I must get busy and make my own blog. I was going to use another site but after some investigation, have decided to use blogspot also. I probably will do something a bit different for several reasons...not the least of which is that I am not a good writer!

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