Sometimes you just gotta

Painting is a lot like other things. It changes as you change. I keep trying other things but keep coming back to non-objective paintings. I have to wonder if that is because realism is beyond my reach, but I really don't want realism so I don't think that is it. I think that what I want is a modern, contemporary impressionism.and so far that has eluded me. That doesn't mean that I don't search for it, chase it, study it, etc. it just means that I don't have it yet. so much to learn, and who knows how much time in which to learn it! Meanwhile, today I just started applying leftover paint to a 12"x9" panel. Trying to work smaller and playing around just to see what happens. Her is how it works. One can begin with an idea in mind and work toward that idea or one can just begin. I have begun. What is on the panel now might become the base of a new painting, it might be scraped away, it might be covered it might be scribbled on. The first moves are play a...