A little bird did it.

Have you ever seen a bird's nest up close and personal? I have two of them - one that Vicki found in her driveway and one that robins built on my porch last year. (They built a new one there this year) I don't know what kind of bird built the one we found but it has treasures in it - green mesh, shiny ribbon, purple ribbon. The robin's nest is neater but just grass and twigs. The robin that nested outside our window a few years ago used a tuft of our dog's hair. It was Jackson's hair- blonde and unmistakeable. I decided that for my fifth 20 minute painting I would try one of the marble eggs in one of the bird's nests. Of course being the size of a hen's egg, and a large one at that, it filled the whole nest which probably would have held three or four bird's eggs. I think that I might either work more on this one or paint it again. As for reading, I am taking a break from Margaret Atwood in favor of Mary Kay Andrews who is much lighter and funny.s. ...