
This month has been so hard. We are finishing with 4" of rain today which was good for the horrible fires but also brought tornadoes and deaths. I hope that December is a better month. Painting has been hard with all else that was going on, but I have done a few things. I know that this car is wonky, but you should have seen it earlier! I might have to have yet another go at this and maybe go a little larger. This one is 5"x7".I think that what I like about this scene are the lights. The street lights had not yet come on, but the traffic lights and the brake lights looked very warm. This is a 30"x30" rendition of a 4"x4" I did earlier. The photo was taken as we were boarding the ferry in Settle on our way to Victoria. I don't see many sunrises - not my time of day! This was done in acrylic using the palette knife. I have another that I plan to enlarge; I have several larger canvases left from my acrylic days that aren't really of ...