A tiny slice

I took a tiny slice of the enormous still life set up for art class and made a tiny painting. The bottle actually says something about cider on it and the apples are in a beautiful and sturdy basket.  I love this little vignette but it did not think that it would be good for the class project. That being said, I might want to make another painting like the tiny one but much larger - I have some 30" x 30" canvases and I am comfortable working that size. I think that I could even go with this "new" technique, but I also think that I might get a few more minis done before I venture into larger territory.
Somehow I managed to cut this one a little close on the right side but you get the idea. 

All is well and all will be well


Unknown said…
This is beautiful!
Unknown said…
This is beautiful!
Great job. You even tackled the basket! You are getting better and better. Perhaps there is something to that practice thing!! haha

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